Monday, August 13, 2007

First Post!

Hey out there! I finally got up the nerve to start a blog...I've been promising myself I would do this since I began reading other Crafty Blogs, but somehow, I just never had the confidence that I would find much that was interesting to say. However, in the interests of joining the 21st century, here I am. The name of my blog reflects my love for all things chocolate. To paraphrase Will Rogers, I've never met a piece of chocolate I didn't like. There may have been a few I didn't love, but one doesn't quibble with a life and sanity preserving substance, now does one? When I'm attempting to eat something healthier(?), I find my way to the fresh produce aisle and buy the Bing Cherries...Thank God the season is as long as it seems this year...A never ending crop of perfection. When those beauties fade from view, I'll have to pretend the dried ones are the same...not likely, but I'm a plodder. Of course, these morsels taste especially good together! Karma, I suppose....

Oddly enough, the colors of these two delicious things are my favorites in fabric and paper-so I figured if no one else had this silly name for a Blog-it was meant to be mine and I'd start . Ta-Dah!



Anonymous said...

Welcome and thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm right with you on the chocolate addiction. I find all sorts of ways to add a little extra chocolate to my diet whenever I can. My husband teases me about it all the time. I look forward to visiting your blog often.

Christy said...

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one foot. Welcome to crafty blogland!!

Thank you for the wonderful message on my blog. It means a lot.